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Test ID: | |
Category: | Fedora Local Security Checks |
Title: | Fedora Core 9 FEDORA-2008-5143 (openoffice.org) |
Summary: | NOSUMMARY |
Description: | Description: The remote host is missing an update to openoffice.org announced via advisory FEDORA-2008-5143. OpenOffice.org is an Open Source, community-developed, multi-platform office productivity suite. It includes the key desktop applications, such as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation manager, formula editor and drawing program, with a user interface and feature set similar to other office suites. Sophisticated and flexible, OpenOffice.org also works transparently with a variety of file formats, including Microsoft Office. Usage: Simply type ooffice to run OpenOffice.org or select the requested component (Writer, Calc, Impress, etc.) from your desktop menu. On first start a few files will be installed in the user's home, if necessary. Update Information: Update to upstream version 2.4.1 to fix a range of reported problems and a security issue CVE-2008-2152: http://www.openoffice.org/security/cves/CVE-2008-2152.html ChangeLog: * Fri Jun 6 2008 Caolan McNamara - 1:2.4.1-17.3 - remove pointless register dialog request - Resolves: rhbz#450212 openoffice.org-3.0.0.ooo82545.np_sdk.x86_64.patch * Tue Jun 3 2008 Caolan McNamara - 1:2.4.1-17.2 - filter out -fasynchronous-unwind-tables because it doesn't work with -Os on i386 - Resolves: rhbz#448553 openoffice.org-3.0.0.ooo90037.vcl.cairotransforms.patch * Sun Jun 1 2008 Caolan McNamara - 1:2.4.1-17.1 - Resolves: rhbz#445588 add openoffice.org-3.0.0.ooo87970.vcl.samenamesubs.patch - drop integrated openoffice.org-2.3.1.ooo81307.sw.word2.patch - drop integrated workspace.os114.patch * Thu May 22 2008 Caolan McNamara - 1:2.4.0-12.10 - rebuild - Resolves: rhbz#447199 add workspace.impress138.patch - Resolves: rhbz#447212 nostrict-aliasing is broken gcc#36187 * Mon May 12 2008 Caolan McNamara - 1:2.4.0-12.9 - Resolves: rhbz#444571 add openoffice.org-3.0.0.ooo88090.chart2.negativecount.patch - Resolves: rhbz#445318 fix notes related crash - Resolves: rhbz#445953 backport 2.4.1 ww8 bidi digit fixes - Resolves: rhbz#446005 there's something very wrong here, but every attempt to isolate it makes it go away - add openoffice.org-3.0.0.ooo89002.vcl.symbolfonts.patch References: [ 1 ] Bug #450518 - CVE-2008-2152 OpenOffice.org overflow possible on allocation https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=450518 Solution: Apply the appropriate updates. This update can be installed with the yum update program. Use su -c 'yum update openoffice.org' at the command line. For more information, refer to Managing Software with yum, available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/. https://secure1.securityspace.com/smysecure/catid.html?in=FEDORA-2008-5143 Risk factor : Critical CVSS Score: 9.3 |
Cross-Ref: |
Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2008-2152 BugTraq ID: 29622 http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/29622 https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-package-announce/2008-June/msg00385.html https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-package-announce/2008-June/msg00473.html https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-package-announce/2008-June/msg00499.html http://security.gentoo.org/glsa/glsa-200807-05.xml http://labs.idefense.com/intelligence/vulnerabilities/display.php?id=714 http://www.mandriva.com/security/advisories?name=MDVSA-2008:137 http://www.mandriva.com/security/advisories?name=MDVSA-2008:138 https://oval.cisecurity.org/repository/search/definition/oval%3Aorg.mitre.oval%3Adef%3A9787 http://www.redhat.com/support/errata/RHSA-2008-0537.html http://www.redhat.com/support/errata/RHSA-2008-0538.html http://www.securitytracker.com/id?1020219 http://secunia.com/advisories/30599 http://secunia.com/advisories/30633 http://secunia.com/advisories/30634 http://secunia.com/advisories/30635 http://secunia.com/advisories/31029 http://sunsolve.sun.com/search/document.do?assetkey=1-26-237944-1 http://www.vupen.com/english/advisories/2008/1773 http://www.vupen.com/english/advisories/2008/1804/references XForce ISS Database: openoffice-rtlallocatememory-bo(42957) https://exchange.xforce.ibmcloud.com/vulnerabilities/42957 |
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