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ID de Prueba:
Categoría:Remote file access
Título:Subversion Module unreadeable path information disclosure
Resumen:You are running a version of Subversion which is older than 1.0.8 or 1.1.0-rc4.;; A flaw exists in older version, in the apache module mod_authz_svn,; which fails to properly restrict access to metadata within unreadable paths.
You are running a version of Subversion which is older than 1.0.8 or 1.1.0-rc4.

A flaw exists in older version, in the apache module mod_authz_svn,
which fails to properly restrict access to metadata within unreadable paths.

Vulnerability Impact:
An attacker can read metadata in unreadable paths, which can contain sensitive
information such as logs and paths.

Upgrade to subversion 1.0.8, 1.1.0-rc4 or newer.

CVSS Score:

CVSS Vector:

Referencia Cruzada: BugTraq ID: 11243
Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2004-0749
XForce ISS Database: subversion-information-disclosure(17472)
CopyrightCopyright (C) 2004 David Maciejak

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