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ID de Prueba:
Título:PostgreSQL < 9.4.26, 9.5.x < 9.5.21, 9.6.x < 9.6.17, 10.x < 10.12, 11.x < 11.7, 12.x < 12.2 Authorization Check Vulnerability (Windows)
Resumen:PostgreSQL is prone to an authorization check vulnerability.
PostgreSQL is prone to an authorization check vulnerability.

Vulnerability Impact:
The ALTER ... DEPENDS ON EXTENSION sub-commands do not perform authorization
checks, which can allow an unprivileged user to drop any function, procedure, materialized view, index, or
trigger under certain conditions. This attack is possible if an administrator has installed an extension and an
unprivileged user can CREATE, or an extension owner either executes DROP EXTENSION predictably or can be
convinced to execute DROP EXTENSION.

Affected Software/OS:
PostgreSQL versions prior to 9.4.26, 9.5.x prior to 9.5.21, 9.6.x prior to
9.6.17, 10.x prior to 10.12, 11.x prior to 11.7 and 12.x prior to 12.2.

Update to version 9.4.26, 9.5.21, 9.6.17, 10.12, 11.7, 12.2 or later.

CVSS Score:

CVSS Vector:

Referencia Cruzada: Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2020-1720
SuSE Security Announcement: openSUSE-SU-2020:1227 (Google Search)
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