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ID de Prueba:
Categoría:F5 Local Security Checks
Título:F5 BIG-IP - iControl vulnerability CVE-2016-9256
Resumen:Permissions enforced by iControl can lag behind the actual; permissions assigned to a user if the role_map is not reloaded between the time the permissions; are changed and the time of the user's next request. This is a race condition that occurs rarely; in normal usage. The typical period in which this is possible is limited to at most a few seconds; after the permission change.
Permissions enforced by iControl can lag behind the actual
permissions assigned to a user if the role_map is not reloaded between the time the permissions
are changed and the time of the user's next request. This is a race condition that occurs rarely
in normal usage. The typical period in which this is possible is limited to at most a few seconds
after the permission change.

Vulnerability Impact:
When an iControl user has administrative privileges that are
later downgraded, the user will still be able to use their previous permissions using iControl
until the role map reloads.

See the referenced vendor advisory for a solution.

CVSS Score:

CVSS Vector:

Referencia Cruzada: Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2016-9256
BugTraq ID: 96464
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