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Test Kennung:
Kategorie:Windows : Microsoft Bulletins
Titel:Microsoft .NET Framework Chart Control Information Disclosure Vulnerability (2567943)
Zusammenfassung:This host is missing an important security update according to; Microsoft Bulletin MS11-066.
This host is missing an important security update according to
Microsoft Bulletin MS11-066.

Vulnerability Insight:
The flaw is due to an error in the ASP.NET Chart controls when
encountering special characters within a URI. This can be exploited to read
the contents of arbitrary files in the web site directory or subdirectories
via a specially crafted GET request to a server hosting the Chart controls.

Vulnerability Impact:
Successful exploitation could allow attacker to gain access to sensitive
information that may aid in further attacks.

Affected Software/OS:
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

- Microsoft Chart Control for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

The vendor has released updates. Please see the references for more information.

CVSS Score:

CVSS Vector:

Querverweis: BugTraq ID: 48985
Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) ID: CVE-2011-1977
Cert/CC Advisory: TA11-221A
Microsoft Security Bulletin: MS11-066
CopyrightCopyright (C) 2011 Greenbone Networks GmbH

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